Piano: Royal Conservatory

Generally referred to as RCM, is a Canadian music education institute established in 1886. You can study a variety of instruments using RCM, but the ones I’m most familiar with are Piano and Violin.

Rather than the sound you hear with your ears, an image inside you is boiling up from the depths of yourself and taking over without you even knowing. The sound inside, the landscape in your heart, your wishes, a sound loaded with your thoughts; didn’t you feel it, even for a moment?

– Hiroko Seto

Passing an RCM 7 Exam is the equivalent of a grade 10 course, and gives you 2 grade 10 credits. I am currently studying my RCM 8 in Piano, and was RCM 5 in Violin before I quit.

RCM Piano exams are comprised of 3 parts. Repertoire and Etudes, Technicals, and Sight reading.

Generally a student will have 4 Repertoire pieces, ranging from all types of different classical music.

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